In over 50 hours of seminar time, I took a lot of notes. These are the statements that I felt were the most powerful. They aren't necessarily direct quotes and some are more of a reflection of my own thoughts.
Here are my notes. The super highlights are shown in bold:
- If you are doing well in this season, you'll do even better in every other season.
- Change takes place in a moment.
- Leadership has 3 mandates:
- Don't see things worse than they are.
- See things better than they are.
- Make it the way you see it.
- Home for you is inside. Be at home more.
- The most powerful investment you can make is in yourself.
- The secret to living is giving.
- Biography is not destiny.
- Hunger is better than talent.
- Breakthrough: I need to be more connected with people.
- Your source of energy is in your psychology.
- Emotion is created by motion.
- Use your nervous system to propel you further.
- Motive does matter. That's what a vision statement is for.
- Turn your shoulds into musts.
- Most people should all over themeselves.
- If you want to take the island, burn the boats.
- Don't just dabble in things. Take massive action.
- Create your own miracles.
- Your competive goal should be to add more value than anyone else.
- Respnsibility is the ability to respond.
- It's our decisions that control us.
- Decide what to focus on.
- Focus on what you can control.
- If you know what's coming, you can anticipate.
- You need to ask yourselve these 3 questions:
- What should I focus on?
- What does that mean?
- What am I going to do?
- Decisions = destiny.
- Two forces that affect your decisions:
- Your state.
- Your blueprint (values & beliefs)
- In order to effectively influence another, you have to know what already influences them.
- Take virgin coconut oil - 1tsp, 3x per day (not much said about this, research needed)
- State -> Story -> Strategy
- When you change your state, you've changed your story.
- You need a new story.
- You need a story that is empowering.
- When you change your story, you change your life.
- You don't need an excuse to feel good.
- Celebrate for no good reason.
- It's absolutely stupid to stay in a negative state.
- What people fear most is what people want most.
- Change your state and passion is unleashed.
- Communicate, visit, stay in touch.
- Words can make a state change for yourself and others.
- Different words will create a different state.
- Change your state, change your life.
- Your state can be changed in a moment.
- "Seek and ye shall find."
- What stops us from getting what we want?
- Fear = False Evidence About Reality
- Two core fears (we tell ourselves stories about these):
- You are not enough.
- You won't be loved.
- You need to be about something more than yourself.
- Get honest with what your stories are.
- Dance with your fears.
- Align with your fears.
- What determines the quality of your life.
- The meaning we give things.
- Find meaning in things.
- Find meaning larger than yourself.
- Meaning = Emotion
- Emotion = Life
- You must become a master of controlling meaning.
- Where do you spend most of your life emotionally?
- The 3 molders of meaning are:
- Power of psychology
- Focus
- Language
- Two words and a clap can instantly change your state: "Step Up, Step Up, Step Up!"
- Say it loud and with emotion.
- EGO = Edging God Out
- You can't be fearful and greatful simultaneously.
- You made this "shit" up, now change it!
- Re-design your blueprint.
- Faith is imagination directed.
- Give the world your full presence.
- Stop thinking so much about yourself.
- Change strategy by changing physiology, focus and language.
- Why do we do the things we do?
- People create problems that meet their needs.
- People create addictions like anger.
- Empowering Needs:
- Consistent and growing income.
- Reliable and comfortable transportation
- Stable family environment
- Listening to children
- Not judging others
- Mentoring
- Activities with family
- New systems and processes
- Vacations
- Lead meetings
- Give advice
- Be a mentor
- Show up
- Magnify callings
- Respected by my employees
- Respected by my children
- Disempowering Needs:
- Be strict with children
- Be angry with employees
- Ignoring employees
- Talking negatively about others
- Ignoring employees
- Spending money just to feel better
- Being angry with people
- My top 2 are:
- Bad reasons to want more money, etc.
- Ask, what has neglecting the other needs cost me?
- My top 2 should be:
- Good reasons to want more money, etc.
- My life would be changed with these needs by:
- Having more loyal employees.
- Children will feel more unconditional love.
- Having the satisfying feeling that comes when helping others.
- I would reach out more and rescue people.
- Think less of self, more of others.
- Read the book: "The Millionaire Next Door".
- Clarity is power.
- It's okay to have money if you want it and get it for the right reasons.
- Connection and Contribution
- Take massive action.
- In life there are winners and learners.
- Repetition is the mother of skill.
- Conditioning is an ongoing process.
- Everything is shaped by our beliefs.
- A belief is a feeling of certainty.
- In order to change, you have to feel that failing to change now = massive, immediate pain.
- Change is never a matter of ability, it is always a matter of motivation.
- Changing now = massive, immediate pleasure.
- Don't link pain to the better behavior (ie: better eating).
- Take forward motion with emotion.
- Engage your entire nervous system.
- Create outstanding performance by being in a peak state.
- Find passion every day by connecting and contributing to people.
- Decide, commit and resolve to take immediate, intelligent, consistent & massive action.
- Be honest with yourself in knowing when a change in course is necessary.
- Create generational influence through connection and contribution.
- Put yourself into total immersion for self empowerment.
- Proximity is power (where you are).
- It's your location stupid!
- Find other's recipies and copy them for your own success.
- Get leverage.
- Create certainty.
- Model results.
- The father of skill is praise.
- What is my x-factor?
- Show people what to do then get out of the way.
- Creating systems & processes to see the forest through the trees.
- Successful people leave clues so model them.
- Firewalk is a metaphor.
- I won't major in minor things.
- While in the seminar, I wrote a new VISION STATEMENT.
- I can achieve outstanding performance when in a peak state.
- Read book: "The Talent Code", by Coyle
- Skills are utilized when you have certainty.
- Incantations: "I now command my whole soul to Stand Up! Stand Up! Stand Up!"
- Say that in the car then walk confidently into any situation.
- If you are in the wrong state, you can't make things work properly.
- If you are going through hell, don't stop, keep going.
- If you are walking through fire, don't stop, keep going.
- Most people try to get our attention through pain.
- If you give up, you begin to die.
- Our identity comes from experiencing our challenges.
- REVELATION: Business (Life) is like a firewalk, sometimes you get burned but if you are in the right state, you won't feel it.
- Taste what you really want.
- What would you have to believe to get what you want?
- You'll begin to move as soon as you create pain about where you are.
- "I am connection and contribution."
- Training never stops when you want an extraordinary life.
- Learn how to help others get what they want.
- The secret to wealth and hapiness is to be a team player.
- Power moves to those who are willing to serve.
- The more you care, the more personal power you have.
- People will do more for others than they will sometimes do for themeselves.
- Make small connections. You never know the ramifications.
- Give people the gift of changing their state.
- When you treat people well who treat you poorly, they never forget it.
- Self esteem comes from doing something difficult.
- You can have an ordinary meal or you can create magic.
- When you truly love, all you want to do is give.
- Some people give love in order to get a return on their investment.
- Love because that's who you really are.
- Give love and expect nothing in return.