I hope that every day is great but exceptions are likely. Remember that you can achieve outstanding performance when you are in a peak state and you can change your state in an instant. All you have to do is decide. Fake it till' you make it if necessary. Do something ridiculous to interrupt a bad pattern.

Life is urgent and so there are no “shoulds”; only “musts”. Thoughtfully design your future, be honest with yourself and know when you “must” make a change. This is evolution and progress never stops.
Live urgently. Time doesn't stop and you only have so much time. Remember that you are creating a legacy of generational influence by raising a new standard; a standard of proximity, certainty and leverage. It matters where you are are who you are with. It's about location, location, location!
With total immersion, you can accelerate the future and compress decades into days. Don’t waste time and don't major in minor things. Knowing that successful people leave clues, find them, interview them and model them. Blog it then write that book!
If you figure out why, you can figure out how to do anything you want in this world. Know why! You have the technology inside of you for growth and evolution. Use that technology to help others rise up and then you'll rise up yourself. Help them get what they need and want and they'll help you.

Don't forget your strengths which are:
Futuristic: Visualize your future
Competition: Do your best to stay ahead
Significance: What you do matters
Ideation: Generate unending ideas
Maximizer: Make the most of opportunity
Post this on your wall where you can see it every day:
"I visualize my future, doing my best to stay ahead while doing what matters, generating unending ideas and making the most of my opportunities."
You can accelerate faster when you focus on what you're good at than when you focus on your weaknesses.
So, go out and make your mark. Keep your sense of humor and lead others with your big smile!
See Tonya's blog for another perspective: